Madeline Cook, BS, Communicable Disease Specialist
P: 740.652.2832

Fairfield County Health Department staff work to protect your health through monitoring certain communicable diseases in Fairfield County, and alerting you if there is a potential outbreak.  At health departments, experts called epidemiologists study the causes of diseases and how to control their spread in populations of people.

Fairfield County Communicable Disease Report

When there are reported cases to the Fairfield County Health Department, public health nurses and the epidemiologist work with doctors and other healthcare providers to better understand why this is happening and how to prevent contagious diseases from spreading. The provided here gives a listing of all communicable diseases that health care providers must report to the state of Ohio.

The epidemiologist uses a nationally-standardized questionnaire to follow up with these sick people to try to figure out where their illness had come from.  In a national outbreak,  epidemiologists from other health districts with sick people do the same surveying.  Together, their compiled data helps track down the source of a potentially fatal illness.

Though the Fairfield County Health Department does investigate lab confirmed cases that are reported to them, they may not have ALL cases that might exist in a place or area, so it may be hard for the epidemiologist to conduct investigations linking all cases together. 

The Fairfield County Health Department does provide guidance and direction to controlling the spread of possible communicable disease by giving counsel, such as educational information below as to what they can do to avoid contracting the disease.

You may wish to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.


Mackenzie Kaminski, Epidemiologist
P: 740.652.2846

The Communicable Disease Report for Fairfield County provides a comprehensive overview of various infectious diseases, categorized into several sections. The key overview of each section is:

  • • Vaccine Preventable Diseases
  • • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • • Invasive Diseases
  • • Zoonotic & Emerging Diseases
  • • Foodborne & Enteric Diseases
  • • Drug-Resistant Organisms
  • • Viral Hepatitis
  • • Coronavirus

These reports are released monthly and you can find the previous reports here: