The Board of Health of the Fairfield County General Health District will convene on April 9, 2025, 4:00pm, at the Fairfield County Health Department located at 1550 Sheridan Drive, Suite 100, Lancaster, OH 43130.
Any changes to the meeting schedule, special, or emergency meetings will be posted on the health department’s website calendar, FCHD social media accounts, and distributed to local media outlets.
The General Health District Advisory Council, consisting of the president of the board of county commissioners, the chief executive of each municipal corporation not constituting a city health district, and the chairperson of the board of township trustees of each township, meet annually in March for the purpose of electing the chair and the secretary, making necessary appointments to the board of health, receiving and considering the annual or special reports from the board of health, and making recommendations to the board of health or to the department of health in regard to matters for the betterment of health and sanitation within the district or for needed legislation.
The district advisory council shall appoint five members of the board of health. At least one member of the board of health shall be a physician. Appointments shall be made with due regard to equal representation of all parts of the district. Board member terms shall be for a period of 5 years. When a vacancy in the membership of the board occurs, it shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment and shall be for the unexpired term.
The District Advisory Council regular meeting is held in March of each year. Interested candidates for a position on the Board of Health should complete the BOH application form and submit it to the Health Commissioner at least 30 days prior to the District Advisory Council meeting date.

(Term ends: March 2027)

(Term ends: March 2028)

(Term ends: March 2025)

(Term ends: March 2029)

(Term ends: March 2026)